Watercolor Painting is an exciting medium; it flows and moves and does beautiful things. Sky, water, rocks, trees; the coast of Maine. If you have never painted in watercolors, we will start at the beginning. If you have painted before, you may pick up some new tips and tricks as well.
Ages: Adult
Bring: See full Bring List below
Price: $200
Please Note: This workshops meets for three, three hour sessions:
August 1 from 9am-12pm
August 3 from 9am-12pm
August 5 from 9am-12pm
Bring List
This is a list of things that I have found work especially well for painting that may help you to make choices when shopping for materials. A few things are quite specific, like the paper and a stiff oil painter’s brush for texture. The colors are the colors that I use myself, but you are welcome to use your old favorites. This list is the complete inventory of my own painting kit! I use nothing more than you see here. These same 5 colors and 4 brushes have seen me through hundreds of paintings!
You can use whatever tube colors and brushes you already have. The only thing that I’m really a stickler about is the paper; it must be 100% cotton rag paper. If it’s not, the painting will be a constant struggle. You won’t need more than a few sheets of it. Otherwise, I’m trying to keep this materials investment affordable. I use three or 4 brushes, 5 or 6 colors, and some good paper. That is all. (or mostly that is all)
Materials list:
I am using Windsor and Newton Tube Paints: a limited palette. Cotman are ok and are cheaper. Shirley’s has Cotman, I think. https://www.dickblick.com/products/winsor-newton-cotman-watercolor-tubes/
Stay away from the kits of colors. I’ve painted thousands of paintings and I never use any colors except these 5. Well, except a little white gouache to splatter flowers into a field.
These colors are good Maine colors:
French Ultra Marine Blue
Alizarin Crimson, (or Cadmium Red Medium)
New Gamboge Yellow (or Cadmium Yellow Medium)
Olive Green, (or Sap)
Burnt Sienna
Shirley’s has some excellent and inexpensive ROYAL brushes. (or use Cotman Series 111) https://www.dickblick.com/products/winsor-newton-cotman-watercolor-brushes/
#2 round
#6 round
½-inch or 1-inch flat
Optional if you have one already: # 8 or 10 (flat) Hog Bristle brush - bright- (Robert Simmons Signet) if you can’t find this brand, a good stiff oil painter’s brush with fairly short bristles should do. If you like to paint small, then smaller is ok, too. https://www.dickblick.com/items/robert-simmons-signet-brush-bright-long-handle-size-8/
A white palette with adequate mixing surface, and a cover. Shirley’s in Hancock has these as well as most box stores. The small folding ones are fine.
We will cut these large sheets in to several pieces. Just get one sheet of each if you can. Shirley’s has the Arches paper but not the Bristol board.
Strathmore Bristol Board series 500 3 ply (20X30") (this is a favorite paper of mine and I encourage you to get to know it! Either smooth or regular surface work equally well. Different papers for different effects.) https://www.dickblick.com/products/strathmore-500-series-bristol/
Arches 140 pound cold press https://www.dickblick.com/items/arches-natural-white-watercolor-paper-16-x-20-cold-press-single-sheet/
Other helpful things:
Sketch paper. I use the back of old computer paper.
Razor blades (single edge)
Masking tape
A quill type pen is fun to have but optional, - the kind that you dip the nib in to a bottle of ink. (I am using a C-5) If you don’t have one you likely won’t need one. https://www.dickblick.com/products/speedball-crow-quill-dip-pen-nibs/
Liquid masking fluid. You can also get away without this if you don’t already have it. https://www.dickblick.com/products/winsor-newton-colorless-art-masking-fluid/
A small bar of soap, hotel size is fine, for liquid mask cleanup.
Water container
Viva “Signature Cloth” paper towels
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Mary Laury at 207.632.2251 or e-mail at marylaury@marylaury.com